Keeping Pets Safe During Storm Season: WTA Urges Owners to Take Precautions

Published: 8th March 2024

With storm season upon us, Weipa Town Authority emphasises the importance of pet safety amidst thunder and storms.

As storm clouds gather and thunder rumbles, many pet owners are familiar with the distress their furry companions can experience. The loud noises and unpredictable nature of storms can be particularly frightening for pets, leaving them anxious and disoriented.

Weipa Town Authority (WTA) notes a concerning trend during storm seasons—an increase in the number of animals impounded due to attempts to flee the noise. Not only does this pose a risk to the animals themselves, but it also creates hazards for road users. Recognising the need for proactive measures, WTA is urging all pet owners to take steps to safeguard their furry friends during stormy weather.

To mitigate the risks associated with storm anxiety in pets, WTA advises owners to secure their pets indoors or in suitable enclosures when a storm is approaching. This simple precaution can prevent pets from attempting to escape and getting lost or injured in the process.

One of the most crucial steps in ensuring a pet's safety during storms is making sure they can be easily identified. WTA recommends the following measures:

  1. Displaying current registration tags: Ensure your pet wears a collar with an up-to-date registration tag prominently displayed. This tag serves as a vital identifier in reuniting lost pets with their owners.

  2. Microchipping: Consider microchipping your pet for added security. Microchips provide a permanent form of identification that can greatly increase the chances of being reunited with a lost pet.

  3. Updating contact details: Keep your contact information current with WTA, including providing details of any temporary caregivers if you're out of town. Updating contact details promptly ensures a swift reunion in case your pet goes missing.

As storm season unfolds, WTA encourages all pet owners to prioritise the well-being of their furry companions by implementing these safety measures. By working together, we can ensure that every pet in our community remains safe and secure, come rain or shine.