
Concept Final Design
Concept Final Design

Rocky Point Community Youth Precinct Project

Project Phase –Final Design, Construction Scheduled to commence 2023

The Rocky Point Community Youth Precinct Project is the creation of an inclusive community youth recreational precinct and vibrant public space for Weipa.

After several rounds of community consultation we are now moving to the next stage of the Rocky Point Community Youth Precinct Concept Plan. 

This project is scheduled to commence in 2023.

Boat ramp

Rocky Point Boat Ramp and Foreshore Master Plan

Project Phase – Concept Design

Rocky Point Boat Ramp and Foreshore Masterplan (Concept) Project will create a concept plan to guide the future redevelopment of the Rocky Point boat ramp and foreshore area for safe enjoyment by community and visitors.

The project encompasses these areas - Rocky Point boat ramp area, Kumrumja building and park, open spaces adjoined the WTA buildings and the surrounding foreshore and beach areas.

The project will look at options for:

  • Improvements to the boat ramp facility, fishing platforms, access and facilities, Carparking and facilities for boat trailers, RVs, mobile vendors, and visitors Picnic tables and signage
  • Walkways, stairs and ramp access to the beach
  • Enhancements to support more events, recreation and tourism
  • Revegetation, preservation and erosion protection of coastal foreshore areas.

Nanum Hospital Pathway Link Project

Project Phase – Pre-Construction

This project involves the construction of new concrete shared (walk/cycle) pathways and the construction of new raised priority crossings near the central Nanum Roundabout.  The project will provide critical linkages and safe easy access for cyclists and pedestrians between the Weipa Health Service and the central Nanum business precinct of Nanum. 

This initiative is supported by the Queensland Government’s Cycle Network Local Government Grants Program.

Frequently Asked Questions

Wta centre

Weipa Town Centre Re-Development

Project Phase - Feasibility

This project involves the design and feasibility of creating a Weipa Town Centre by developing vacant land (adjacent to the existing Nanum business and retail areas) into a series of new buildings and community assets.  The final construction phase of the project would include new Local Government offices, community library and research centre, outdoor plaza, commercial spaces, visitor information, transport terminal, car parking, landscaping and walkway linkages to the existing shopping area and government services.

Coastal Hazard Adaptation Strategy

Weipa Coastal Hazard Adaptation Strategy

The Weipa Coastal Hazard Adaptation Strategy (Strategy) provides a long-term plan to proactively manage our coastal areas and increase the resilience of our region. The Strategy helps us to better understand emerging coastal hazard risks so we can better prepare for the impacts of these risks on our community, environment, cultural values, infrastructure, liveability and essential services. It considers both current and future coastal hazard risks, including how the region might change or be impacted in the future by rising sea levels, and builds on existing responses to coastal hazards already implemented across Weipa coastal areas. 

It has been informed by an understanding of best practice coastal hazard adaptation approaches, extensive technical work and was a collaborative effort with members of our community, who have shared their experiences and knowledge to help us understand what is important to them. The technical evidence relied on to inform development of the Strategy includes:  

  • a coastal hazard assessment and updated hazard extent mapping (Phase 3)  
  • identification of community values and priority assets (Phase 4)  
  • coastal hazard risk assessment (Phase 5)  
  • identification and evaluation of adaptation options (Phases 6 and 7). 

To view the final strategy document, please click here.